CNERG: Pedestrian data collection at Conestoga's Waterloo campus

Adam Holland, SMART Centre
Understanding how students and staff navigate campus is essential for improving infrastructure, safety, and resource allocation. This research project leveraged innovative data collection methods to map pedestrian movement at the Waterloo campus. By creating a digital twin, a virtual model tracking real-time foot traffic, the project provided insights to optimize building placement, pathways, and accessibility while also supporting future academic research in urban planning, software development, and public health.
The study resulted in a proof-of-concept digital twin platform, where pedestrian data collected through infrared sensors was visualized in an augmented reality application. This prototype demonstrated the potential for a bespoke pedestrian tracking and data visualization tool, which could be expanded for campus safety and infrastructure planning. Based on the success of this project, the research team is pursuing further funding to refine the technology, explore alternative sensor solutions, and develop a multi-platform tracking system for broader institutional and industry applications.