IP landscape analysis and trademarks support for Henry's Tempeh
Henry's Tempeh Inc. produces organic and gluten-free tempeh, a meticulously crafted fermented soy product sourced from locally grown and milled organic soybeans.
Catalog IP and licensing strategy support for Train4Real
Train4Real developed standalone, efficient, and highly realistic simulated experiences designed for training across various industries.
Competitive analysis for Swift Wellness
Swift Wellness created a proprietary paycheque advance service that stands out by integrating directly with employers' payroll systems, allowing employees instant access to their earned wages.
Patentability search and MVP development support for Sine-X Works
Sine-X Works created innovative noise-absorbing sheets which incorporates a geometrical design that allows for the cancellation of sound.
IP gap analysis and opportunity recommendation for Circular Supply Chains Inc.
Circular Supply Chains created an innovative cargo carousel system that can reduce the single-use packaging requirements and provide a ripening-in-transit capability so that bananas can be shipped, ripened, stored, and distributed all from a single intermodal steel shipping container.
Identifying proprietary IP and trademark support for Beck’s Broth
Beck's Broth is meeting a growing customer need for bone broth, protein, and gut health in an innovative way.
CFRIL collaboration improves poultry welfare tools
Driven by their focus on animal welfare, Cargill Limited, one of Canada’s largest processors of beef, poultry, and livestock feed products, along with a leading Canadian packaging company, Cascades, partnered with the Conestoga Food Research & Innovation Lab (CFRIL) to develop solutions to further enhance their animal welfare practices creating an enriched environment for Cargill’s broiler chickens.
CNERG: Application of culinary techniques to improve the palatability of meals for individuals with dysphasia
This project developed a novel approach to improving the palatability of modified diets for dysphagia patients by combining culinary techniques with food science.
Identifying IP landscape to position Vortex IP
Vortex created a novel architecture for a supercapacitor energy storage
system in collaboration with Conestoga’s SMART Centre. C4C provided
recommendation on positioning of the IP based on IP landscape
CNERG: Solar water heater feasibility study for under privileged towns and villages
In many underprivileged villages and towns with no potable water networks, households rely on rooftop water tanks and must use costly electricity to heat water for domestic use. These communities, often abundant in sunshine with minimal cloud cover, represent an untapped opportunity for solar energy utilization. This project explores the affordability and practicality of solar-powered water heating for small residential homes in such areas.